Courses & Offerings
Womens Circle at Coffs Botanical Gardens
​Starting Friday 28th February 2025
from 10am - 12

This is a six week program for women who are struggling emotionally and is free of cost. We will gather together in a circle at the Botanical Gardens (weather dependent), exploring a different theme each week and learn skills to help us…
Connect more deeply to nature
Develop self-compassion
Cultivate a sense of inner peace & attune to the wisdom of our hearts
Harness our creativity
Establish healthy boundaries in relationships
This is also an opportunity to meet other women in the area in a beautiful setting in nature and there will be time after the circle to have a picnic lunch together.
This program supports mothers with pre-school aged children to attend as there will be supervised nature play available. This is so important as mothers can feel overwhelmed and isolated and unfortunately most therapeutic groups are ruled out for them!
This is funded through Medicare so is for women who have been experiencing symptoms of depression, anxiety and/or stress. This is not suitable for those in very high levels of distress, significant untreated trauma or in a state of crisis. Good listening skills are required and the ability to engage in short guided meditations.
What you need to do:
Contact us to make a provisional booking, then organise an appointment to see your GP to get a referral through Medicare. Provide this to us to confirm your place on the course. Places are limited so we advice to book early to ensure a space in the group.
What to bring:
Rug and cushion or camping chair
Mozzie repellent
Water bottle and snacks/ lunch for you and your children
Notepad and pen
Contact: Alex Halsted (registered psychologist)
Tel: 04885 414 38